![]() Fairleigh Dickinson Election 2016 Republican Presidential Primary Survey: Poll Question: I know it’s early, but if the election for president were held today, which of the following people would you like to see as the Republican candidate?
This is a national survey of 323 Republican voters. The survey was conducted on April 22, 2013 - April 28, 2013. The margin of error is +/- 5.5%. Poll Briefing: April 27, 2013 UNH/WMUR Election 2016 Republican Presidential Primary Survey4/27/2013 ![]() UNH/WMUR Election 2016 Republican Presidential Primary Survey:
A survey of 171 Republican voters. The survey was conducted on April 4, 2013 -April 9, 2013. The margin of error is +/- 7.5 %. ![]() PPP Election 2016 Republican Presidential Primary Survey: Poll Question: Given the choices of Jeb Bush, Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal, Susana Martinez, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Marco Rubio, Paul Ryan, and Rick Santorum, who would you most like to see as the GOP candidate for President in 2016?
PPP surveyed 409 Republican primary voters. The survey was conducted on April 19, 2013 - April 21, 2013. The margin of error is +/- 4.9%. Since the start of this nation the United States always selected its President by the electoral college system. Each state is given a number of electoral votes. That number is created by taking the two Senators that each state has and adds that to the number of Representatives that the state has. The number of representatives each state has is chosen by the population of the state. So for example New York has 29 electoral votes, that means the state has 27 Representatives and two Senators. This system should be removed and replaced with a direct election, like we do with electing Senators, Governors, and Representatives. The electoral college system does a few things that limits the Americans people's voice. First off it can alter elections. Election 1876, 1888, and 2000 outcomes were all different from what the people wanted because of the electoral college. In election 1876, Republican candidate Rutherford B. Hayes lost the popular vote with 4,036,298 votes, but won the electoral college with 185 electoral votes. His opponent Samuel J. Tilden a Democrat, won the popular vote with 4,300,590 votes, but lost the electoral college with 184 electoral votes. Hayes was elected President of the United States because he received more electoral votes. In 1888 Republican Benjamin Harrison lost the popular vote with 5,439,853 votes but won the electoral college with 233 electoral votes. His opponent, Democrat Grover Cleveland won the popular vote with 5,540,309 votes but lost the electoral college with 168 electoral votes. Benjamin Harrison was elected President because he won the electoral college. Then we get to the famous 2000 Presidential election. Republican George W. Bush lost the popular vote with 50,456,062 votes but won the electoral college with 271 electoral votes. His opponent, Democrat Albert Gore, Jr. won the popular vote with 50,996,582 votes but lost the electoral college with 266 electoral votes. George W. Bush was elected President because he won Florida which gave him 271 electoral votes, and 270 electoral votes were needed to win. Thank god. The electoral college also deters people from voting because they believe their vote does not matter. We have 190 million people in this country that are eligible to vote. In election 2012 only 126,821,812 eligible voters voted. Why are so many Americans not voting? Well that's because many Americans live in states that have a trend of always voting Republican or always voting Democratic. For example, New York state. New York has voted for a Democrat in every presidential election since 1988. 1984 was the last time New York voted Republican, that's when Reagan was running for reelection against Mondale. New York has 62 counties, 12 of those counties are run by a Democrat county executive. New York state has about 13 million registered voters, in election 2012 only 6,102,463 registered voters actually voted. That means a little more than half the state did not vote. If we removed the electoral college that other half would probably have come out to vote because now they know their vote matters. Now how is this proven? Well New York had a three term Republican governor named George Pataki, he was Governor from 1995 to 2006. New York can choose Republicans to hold an elected office, we have seen this before in Governor elections, and we see it now with majority of the county's in Republican control. All we need is turn out. A large turnout will come if the electoral college is removed.
The electoral college changes the real outcome of a Presidential election as well as deters the American voter from voting. The only way to change this is by removing the current system and replace it will direct elections by the people. The government is supposed to work for by and of the people. The electoral college gets in the way of this. The 5 Living Presidents Arrive at the Dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential LibraryPresident George W. Bush Speaks at the Dedication of His Presidential LibraryLaura Bush's Remarks at the Dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential LibraryPresident George H.W. Bush Remarks at the Dedication of the George W. Bush Presidential Library![]() Reports say that Newt Gingrich the former Speaker of the House and 2012 Presidential candidate is talking with CNN. The reports say the CNN wants to start up the show "Crossfire" again. The show would be like Hannity and Colmes. A conservative and a liberal going at it over the issues. The liberal CNN reportedly was getting in touch with is Obama's deputy campaign manager, Stephanie Cutter. ![]() Quinnipiac Election 2013 New Jersey Gubernatorial Poll:
Survey of 1,112 voters. The survey was conducted on April 19, 2013 to April 22, 2013. The margin of error is +/- 2.9% Today the AP twitter account was hacked. The hackers sent out a FALSE tweet about a terrorist attack on the White House. With that false tweet being made the stock market took a nose dive. You can see that nose dive in the above image taken from google finance. Right where the graph goes straight down was the nose dive. At 1:00 pm the Dow Jones was at 14704.75 points, at 1:08 pm the Dow Jones was at 14697.79 points, and at 1:10 pm the Dow Jones was at 14566.94 points. At about 1:14 pm when news broke that the AP twitter account was hacked and that the terrorist attack story was false the stock market drove straight back up to 14685.74 points.
![]() Last week I was asked to become a contributor on a new website called Rogue Generation. Rogue Generation is a website where a bunch of young conservatives express their views on different issues. Today the website launched. We have two articles running today. Tomorrow there will be some more articles out. I hope everybody checks the website out and looks for the many different conservative columns on the website. Website URL: http://roguegeneration.com/ |
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